Seasonal Tree Care

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  • Pruning of oaks and elms should be done by the end of March.
  • When the ground thaws, Sherdec can begin rootcare fertilization of trees with Sherdec’s slow release fertilizer.
  • Begin monitoring plant development and weather conditions in order to time treatments for insects and diseases. (Timing of pesticide applications is key to successful control.)
  • Early spring is the time to treat insects such as pine saw flies and those that cause galls.
  • Fungal disease sprays like apple scab and anthracnose are done to protect new growth.
  • A Sherdec systemic insecticide (Xytect) is applied in early spring to control some insects later in the season on your trees. Your Sherdec Arborist will advise you regarding this treatment.
  • Early flowering trees like magnolia should be pruned after flowering in order to preserve the flower buds.
  • Application of the plant growth regulator, Cambistat® is done to control plant size and improve health in many situations.


  • Dutch elm disease or Oak Wilt begin to show up in infected trees.
  • Injections to prevent Dutch elm disease begin in early June or when the leaves are fully formed.
  • White and Bur Oaks infected by Oak Wilt can be treated therapeutically. Red Oaks can be protected against a root graft infection if they are near a diseased Red Oak.
  • Spray for most leaf fungus diseases by early to mid-July.
  • Monitor insect populations and apply treatment where population levels threaten tree health.
  • Evergreens are pruned after the new growth is completed.
  • Late summer/early fall is a good time to apply systemic insecticides that will prevent infestations next year.
  • Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt treatments continue until the leaves turn color in the fall.
  • Iron injections to treat severe chlorosis (yellow leaves) are done at this time of year.
  • Pruning of trees continues throughout the entire season.


  • Have a Sherdec Arborist assess your trees and help you prepare for leaf drop and dormancy.
  • Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt treatments continue until the leaves turn color in the fall.
  • Iron injections to treat chlorosis (yellow leaves) are best done at this time of year.
  • Pruning of trees and shrubs is done during this season season.
  • Time to rake and compost and make assessment for next spring.


  • Winter is the best time to prune most trees.
  • When the leaves are off the trees it is easier to identify structural problems for correction or dead wood for removal.
  • Insects and disease problems are not active in the winter, eliminating the possibility of infection into fresh pruning wounds.
  • Winter is a good time to remove a tree especially if heavy equipment is required to do the work. The frozen ground and snow cover reduces the amount of damage that may be done around the property.
  • Tree and shrub fertilization continues until the ground freezes. Sherdec’s slow release Rootcare Fertilization formula will not promote unwanted late season growth.
  • Pruning of oaks and elms starts again after the first hard frost.
  • Shrubs will be pruned until the snow depth makes it impractical to do so. Avoid shearing early spring flowering shrubs now so that the flower buds are not removed.